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    Build stock price prediction app using Facebook Prophet & Python

    Source: Build stock price prediction app using Facebook Prophet & Python

    In today's video tutorial we will Create stock prediction app using Facebook Prophet, Machine Learning & Python

    China Beats US in Artificial Intelligence Battle, On Its Way to Global Dominance

    Source: China Beats US in Artificial Intelligence Battle, On Its Way to Global Dominance

    China businesses work hand in hand with the Chinese government, paving the way for faster tech advances than the U.S., Reuters reports.

    3 ways to use data to advocate for whole person mental health - SAS Voices

    Source: 3 ways to use data to advocate for whole person mental health - SAS Voices

    Data helps us proactively advocate for changes to systems and policies – even health benefits. See how it's being done.

    Transdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence as The Future of Artificial Intelligence

    Source: Transdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence as The Future of Artificial Intelligence

    Transdisciplinary artificial intelligence (AI) is programming/encoding/mapping/representing/modeling/simulating reality, physical, mental, social and digital, in computing machinery and robots, to effectively, efficiently and sustainably interact with the world.

    Webpack hooks and ng watch. Webpack is a powerful blackbox tool

    Source: Webpack hooks and ng watch. Webpack is a powerful blackbox tool

    “watch” is something we take for granted in our development cycle. with each file change or save our app rebuilds/re-renders it self and we see the latest version. But there is a catch. the build…

    Shortest Path Algorithm (Part 1). Drawing an empty board to visualize the… | by Tiago Temporin | The Startup | Medium

    Source: Shortest Path Algorithm (Part 1). Drawing an empty board to visualize the… | by Tiago Temporin | The Startup | Medium

    Drawing an empty board to visualize the execution of shortest path algorithms.. “Shortest Path Algorithm (Part 1)” is published by Tiago Temporin in The Startup.

    10 Best Python Libraries for NLP in 2021 and their Use Cases

    Source: 10 Best Python Libraries for NLP in 2021 and their Use Cases

    Python has become the most popular programming language among the developer community. Pertaining to its popularity, it has also found a great support in the Artificial Intelligence community with the implementation of high-level frameworks to run complex models easily. There has been tremendous development in domains such as computer vision & natural language processing and python libraries have caught up well with the latest advancements.

    Why you shouldn't invoke directly

    Source: Why you shouldn't invoke directly

    For a long time, setuptools and distutils were the only game in town when it came to creating Python packages, and both of these provided a simple enough interface: you write a file that invokes the setup() method,

    How to generate PDFs using Lowdefy

    Source: How to generate PDFs using Lowdefy

    It is possible to extend the functionality of Lowdefy beyond the framework's current capabilities by creating custom blocks, actions or operators. In this how-to example we will create a custom action to generate PDF documents client side or in the browser.

    Building a multi-select component

    Source: Building a multi-select component

    A foundational overview of how to build a responsive, adaptive, and accessible, multiselect component for sort and filter user experiences.

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