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    New Born Baby Photography in Delhi

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    Photographing Newborns - Deysphotography

    Tue Apr 18 2023

    Source: Photographing Newborns - Deysphotography

    Natural light is the best option for New Born Baby Photography in Delhi. It’s soft and gentle, making the baby’s skin look smooth and flawless. Avoid using direct sunlight as it can be too harsh and cause shadows. Instead, position the baby near a window with indirect light.


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    How old should a Newborn be for a Photoshoot?

    Mon Feb 13 2023

    Source: How old should a Newborn be for a Photoshoot?

    There are pros and cons to scheduling a photoshoot at any age within the newborn phase. Ultimately, the best time for a New Born Baby Photography in Delhi will depend on the individual needs and preferences of the baby and the family.


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