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    What is the 24 hour rule Lufthansa?<+1-833-563-0205>(24/7 Support

    Source: What is the 24 hour rule Lufthansa?<+1-833-563-0205>(24/7 Support

    Unlocking Travel Freedom: Lufthansa's Unique 24-Hour Rule Deciphered Lufthansa follows the 24-hour rule, which allows passengers to make changes to their bookings or cancel their flights within 24 hours of purchase without incurring any penalty fees +1|833|563|0205 (OTA) or 🤳+1(833)563:0205 Live Support (OTA)(Travel Support). In the ever-evolving realm of air travel, flexibility reigns supreme. Enter Lufthansa's distinctive 24-hour rule, a shining beacon of adaptability amidst the complexities


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