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    cardiac marker test

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    Cardiac risk markers: What is a cardiac marker test? | Secondmedic

    Fri Apr 14 2023

    Source: Cardiac risk markers: What is a cardiac marker test? | Secondmedic

    Cardiac risk markers are important in assessing an individual's risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The cardiac profile test measures several different markers at once, and the normal range for each marker is based on the average values in a healthy population. If an individual's results fall outside of the normal range for any marker, it may indicate an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Therefore, understanding cardiac risk markers and the cardiac profile test's normal


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    What Are Cardiac Markers and Their Role in Cardiovascular Disease Detection?

    Sat Apr 01 2023

    Source: What Are Cardiac Markers and Their Role in Cardiovascular Disease Detection?

    Cardiac markers are substances found in the blood that can provide important information about heart health. They are often used in cardiac risk marker tests to help diagnose and monitor cardiovascular disease.


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