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grant writing services

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Grant Writing | Grant Management | Project Communication UK - Linq Consulting & Management

2 years ago

Source: Grant Writing | Grant Management | Project Communication UK - Linq Consulting & Management

Our goal at any stage of the research process is to provide the links between scientific innovations, current policy, and industrial implementation. Top Services include Grant writing, Grant management, Project dissemination and communication in UK, Europe, Innovate UK, Horizon Europe

Erin Schols

Bookmarked by

Erin Schols


Grant Funding UK

2 years ago

Source: Grant Funding UK

At Linq, we have made the conscious choice to focus on proposals and projects that contribute to improving the sustainability of the industry.: Carbon Capture, Utilisation, & Storage (CCUS), Bio-based Materials, Power-to-X Processes, Waste to Resource, Circular Economy, Sustainable Transport

Erin Schols

Bookmarked by

Erin Schols
