Uncover the steps to claim your GST refund with our helpful guide, Know Your GST Refund. Understand how to check if you're eligible, what documents you need, and how to submit your application. We streamline the process for quick refunds. Perfect for both business owners and exporters. Find out more now!
GST- Goods and Services tax implemented in 2017 with the aim to replace different taxes with 1 common tax. Good and service tax includes a refund process in which registered taxpayers can claim in case the excess amount is more than GST liability. Taxpayers can claim their refund on GST depending on their industry or business niche. There are different rules and regulations, and methods to claim for different industries. the GST refund of unutilized ITC on account of exports without payment of t
Filing an electronic application in FORM GST RFD-01 through the GST Common Portal or a GST Facilitation Centre entitles the taxpayer to a refund of any tax, interest, penalty, fees, or other sum paid by the taxpayer. The taxpayer can claim the GST refund by submitting FORM GSTR-3, FORM GSTR-4, or FORM GSTR-7 for the applicable tax period unless the refund is related to a balance in the electronic cash ledger. More info visit to lexntax.com.
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