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    Instagram: @kawanjelajahtour Travel Gresik

    Thu Apr 04 2024

    Source: Instagram: @kawanjelajahtour Travel Gresik

    Tour Travel berlokasi di Gresik menyediakan paket wisata Bromo, Kawah Ijen, Dieng, Jogja, dan Destinasi lainya.

    Instagrab: A Great Tool for Download Instagram Video, Photo, Story, Reels

    Sun Jan 07 2024

    Source: Instagrab: A Great Tool for Download Instagram Video, Photo, Story, Reels

    Instagrab is an online instagram downloader tool that allows you to download instagram videos, instagram photos, instagram stories, instagram reels, instagram igtv's on your mobile phone or computer. all you need is just a web browser. copy your desired instagram content link and goto instagrab website to download it.


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    Countries that use the most emojis in text messages

    Wed Dec 22 2021

    Source: Countries that use the most emojis in text messages

    according to an article published in July 2021, the French use at least 1 emoji symbol in 19.8% of every message sent. Countries that use the most emojis in text messages


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    The evolution of information and communication for the last 30ish years.

    Wed Dec 22 2021

    Source: The evolution of information and communication for the last 30ish years.

    Communication has come a long way from the 1980's when I was born and raised.


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    The psychology of the emoji and how digital stickers can help the same way

    Sat Nov 20 2021

    Source: The psychology of the emoji and how digital stickers can help the same way

    There have been studies that seem to suggest that the usage of #emojis can release the necessary amount of #serotonin, #dopamine, #endorphins and #oxytocin to make an individuals mood change even if it's slightly to the positive. Everyone has their own ways to proactively improve their mood. Using fun digital stickers on photos you we're going to share to your social networks might help improve your mood by making a small addition to things you already do.


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