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    Self-managed abortion

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    Abortion Pills by Post Scheme Continued

    Source: Abortion Pills by Post Scheme Continued

    Abortion pills delivered by mail is one of the easiest ways to access pregnancy termination in-home treatment. It is a sign of upkeeping the reproductive rights of women. As per the authorities of the USA, abortion by post was allowed during the pandemic time. However, since then norms have changed for self-managed abortion, which is a compromise on women’s health. Still, you can buy abortion pill kit online and experience a natural end to pregnancy. Know how by reading further :-

    Alyssa Paula

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    Alyssa Paula


    An In-depth Guide to Abortion Pills Use for Early Pregnancy

    Source: An In-depth Guide to Abortion Pills Use for Early Pregnancy

    Abortion pills are safe to end an early pregnancy. You can self-administer the pills and obtain the medicine in a discreet package by purchasing it online. Save on travel, cost, and hospitalization with the in-home procedure. Know who can take the pills, their effects, use, dosage, precautions, tips, follow-up, emergency, and warnings. Read more.

    Alyssa Paula

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    Alyssa Paula


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