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    special needs services

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    Distinguishing the Roles of a Local Area Coordinator from a Support Coordinator

    Thu Feb 16 2023

    Source: Distinguishing the Roles of a Local Area Coordinator from a Support Coordinator

    Do you have a disability, or are you caring for a family member living with a disability? Understanding the roles different forms of support play in assisting people facing challenges is important.

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    NDIS Supported Accommodation Perth

    Wed Feb 15 2023

    Source: NDIS Supported Accommodation Perth

    Do you or someone you know require extra support? Finding the right kind of accommodation can be a difficult task for those living with disability and special needs.

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    Anxiety and Long-Term Disability: A Claimant’s Guide

    Mon Jan 23 2023

    Source: Anxiety and Long-Term Disability: A Claimant’s Guide

    Anxiety can be a debilitating mental health condition in terms of the quality of life it affects and how it makes managing day-to-day tasks difficult. For

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    Can I Receive Disability Benefits for an Anxiety Disorder?

    Thu Jan 19 2023

    Source: Can I Receive Disability Benefits for an Anxiety Disorder?

    Living with an anxiety disorder can be extremely difficult and, in some cases, debilitating. For many individuals trying to manage their mental health while working and caring for themselves, seeking disability benefits may seem attractive.

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    Self-Managing NDIS? Benefits from using a plan manager too

    Wed Dec 28 2022

    Source: Self-Managing NDIS? Benefits from using a plan manager too

    Are tou looking for a self-managing NDIS plan management solution in Western Australia? A self - managed NDIS plan can help you take control of your finances, giving you the freedom to use and manage your funds as you see fit.

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    Anxiety Disorder And Disability Benefits-Listing 12.6

    Wed Dec 28 2022

    Source: Anxiety Disorder And Disability Benefits-Listing 12.6

    Anxiety disorders can be disabling, but many people don't know they could be eligible to receive disability from their disability care providers if their condition has made it difficult for them to work or live a normal life.

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    The Benefits of using a registered NDIS provider

    Mon Dec 26 2022

    Source: The Benefits of using a registered NDIS provider

    Using a registered NDIS provider can be highly beneficial for anyone needing disability support services, as they meet all the quality and safety standards put in place by the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    Everything you need to know about the NDIS price guide

    Wed Dec 14 2022

    Source: Everything you need to know about the NDIS price guide

    Priсing in the disаbility seсtоr is соntinuаlly сhаnging. Reсently, the NDIA (Nаtiоnаl Disаbility Insurаnсe Agenсy) аnd the NDIS (Nаtiоnаl Disаbility

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


    Unpacking the NDIS Price Guide

    Fri Nov 25 2022

    Source: Unpacking the NDIS Price Guide

    The good thing about the NDIS рriсing рlаn is that it never follows the same рriсing structure аnd keeps сhаnging accordingly.

    Sam Chokshi

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    Sam Chokshi


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