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    Tulsi Syrup

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    What is Davadost Sothrex Tulsi Syrup 100ml and what is it used for?

    Thu Apr 20 2023

    Source: What is Davadost Sothrex Tulsi Syrup 100ml and what is it used for?

    Davadost Sothrex Tulsi Syrup is a herbal formulation that contains Tulsi (Holy Basil) and other natural ingredients. Tulsi is known for its medicinal properties and is used in traditional medicine for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects. Davadost Sothrex Tulsi Syrup is commonly used for the relief of cough, cold, and respiratory infections. It is also believed to improve immunity and promote overall wellness. The syrup is typically taken orally and dosage may vary depen

    Yashi Srivastava

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    Yashi Srivastava


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