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    why does my hair grow so fast

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    The Surprising Connection Between Hair and Nail Growth: A Sign of Good Health?

    Sat Aug 19 2023

    Source: The Surprising Connection Between Hair and Nail Growth: A Sign of Good Health?

    Discover the unexpected link between hair and nail growth and its potential indication of overall well-being. Explore the intriguing connection in this insightful article.


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    Dermatology What does it say about your health if your hair and n

    Wed Aug 09 2023

    Source: Dermatology What does it say about your health if your hair and n

    Explore the connection between rapid hair and nail growth and your overall health. Learn how changes in hair and nail growth rates could indicate underlying health conditions. Discover valuable insights and expert advice on SecondMedic to help you understand and optimize your well-being.


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