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    LPWAN | LoRa | LoRaWAN | Uniconverge Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

    2 years ago

    Source: LPWAN | LoRa | LoRaWAN | Uniconverge Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

    Industrial IoT demands cost-effective, long-range, and power-efficient sensors and actuators. LoRa and LoRaWAN stand out by optimizing LPWAN for the battery lifetime, capacity, range, and cost.

    Uniconverge Technologies


    Rs485 To Lora | Uniconverge Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

    2 years ago

    Source: Rs485 To Lora | Uniconverge Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

    The UCT utilizes the latest LoRaWAN technology to build the RS485 LoRa Converter to reduce the problem of installation of cables for monitoring various devices and other factors, it simplifies the IoT installation.

    Uniconverge Technologies


    Internet of Things (IoT) Lab Kit

    3 years ago

    Source: Internet of Things (IoT) Lab Kit

    we have built a comprehensive IoT Lab Kit to enhance the skills of students. We had designed a more open, rapid plug-and-play Prototyping Lab.

    Uniconverge Technologies


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