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    online private yoga classes

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    5 Major Improvements You'll See From Doing Yoga Every Day, Says Science

    Mon Oct 30 2023

    Source: 5 Major Improvements You'll See From Doing Yoga Every Day, Says Science

    At this time, it's safe to say that yoga is more than just a passing trend in fitness or wellbeing. After all, this age-old technique that combines exact physical postures, deep breathing, and mental concentration has been practiced for almost 5,000 years! There must be something to yoga if people have been practicing it for so long.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    Yoga for High Blood Pressure

    Mon Jul 24 2023

    Source: Yoga for High Blood Pressure

    Hypertension, often known as high blood pressure, is a dangerous disorder that can cause fatal heart attacks and strokes. Due to the lack of signs, this "silent killer" is much more hazardous. Therefore, learning how to control high blood pressure is the next step.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    How Yoga Can Help Your Depression

    Mon Jun 26 2023

    Source: How Yoga Can Help Your Depression

    There is mounting evidence that yoga can help reduce depression, despite the fact that you might not think that stretching, breathing, and concentrating on your posture can help your psychological wellbeing. Psychotherapy and medicine are frequently combined in traditional treatments for depression. However, not everyone reacts favourably to these evidence-based therapies.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


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