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    yoga classes for kids

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    When Should Kids Start Yoga? The Answer Might Surprise You

    Mon Feb 06 2023

    Source: When Should Kids Start Yoga? The Answer Might Surprise You

    It's well known that yoga is beneficial for grownups. And millions of people do this frequently all throughout the world. But is yoga just for grownups? No! Yoga should ideally be practiced from an early age so that children can develop into all-rounded individuals and do not later turn to yoga to address physical and mental problems.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    10 Proven Benefits of Yoga for Kids

    Wed Jan 25 2023

    Source: 10 Proven Benefits of Yoga for Kids

    It's a truth that there is a gradual understanding on the importance of the therapeutic benefits of yoga. Statistics indicate that over 400,000 kids in

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    The Benefits of Children’s Yoga

    Tue Sep 06 2022

    Source: The Benefits of Children’s Yoga

    In the last ten years, yoga has been widely practiced in nurseries, primary schools, and secondary schools. Not only as an after-school club activity but also as a crucial component of the academic program at the school. People are becoming more and more aware of the advantages yoga has for kids.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    How yoga can boost self-esteem in children

    Mon Aug 22 2022

    Source: How yoga can boost self-esteem in children

    Did you know that besides the physical and mental benefits, regular yoga practice can enhance your kid's confidence? Yoga classes for kids under the proper guidance can help in developing a great sense of self-esteem. Let's find out more about it in this blog.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    Breath, Bandha & Drishti: Pillars of Vinyasa Yoga

    Tue Aug 09 2022

    Source: Breath, Bandha & Drishti: Pillars of Vinyasa Yoga

    You'll frequently hear your instructor at yoga in castle hill prompt you to start breathing in and out through your nose to locate your ujjayi breath as the class begins.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    4 Tadasana Cues to Elevate Your Practice

    Tue Aug 09 2022

    Source: 4 Tadasana Cues to Elevate Your Practice

    It’s always advantageous to keep in touch with the basics of yoga as its practitioners and instructors! That is what Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose, can teach us.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    The Benefits of Yoga Therapy for Children With Autism

    Mon Jul 25 2022

    Source: The Benefits of Yoga Therapy for Children With Autism

    For those with autism, interaction and communication are highly difficult. To enhance their daily life, children with autism can explore with a variety of therapies, educational resources, and abilities.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    10 Yoga Poses That Prepare You for Full Wheel Pose

    Mon Jul 25 2022

    Source: 10 Yoga Poses That Prepare You for Full Wheel Pose

    The full-body pose known as Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) calls for flexibility and strength in the arms, legs, core, and spine. Although the backbend may appear straightforward to observers on the outside, performing it is more difficult due to the involvement of several different muscle groups and the requirement for flexibility.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    Opening Chakras: Simple Steps For Balancing Your Energetic Body Article

    Mon Jul 18 2022

    Source: Opening Chakras: Simple Steps For Balancing Your Energetic Body Article

    It's possible that you have a chakra blockage as explained by the experts of yoga in castle hill. The energy centers are awakened and aligned at this time. The chakra system is divided into two portions by the chakra chart. There are two types of chakras: low chakras and high chakras.

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


    6 Anatomical Benefits Of Plank Pose

    Mon Jul 11 2022

    Source: 6 Anatomical Benefits Of Plank Pose

    Plank pose is arguably the most popular yoga posture outside of traditional yoga studios. This might be as a result of its numerous anatomical advantages. Many teachers of yoga in castle hill even refer to the plank stance as the “peak of the push-up.”

    Yogender Singh Chauhan


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